Global Meta Information

Global Meta Information

This option enables you to modify the meta data of your web pages. Meta information is important to your website because it helps search engines to know what your web page is all about.

Some of the Meta Information that can be customized using the Global Meta Information Option

To access this option you can go to Settings menu.

  1. Login to the backend application. Select "Settings"  > "Global Meta Information Option"



  • Page Title
    • Defines a title to be shown in the browser toolbar
    • Provides a title for the web page when it is added to bookmarks or favorites
    • Displays a title for the web page in search-engine results
  • Meta Tags
    • Provides metadata about the website. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable.
  • Meta Description
    • Allows you to influence the description of your page in the web crawlers that support your meta tag




You can also edit Meta Information for each listing. To do so-

  1. Login to the backend application. Select "Businesses" > "Businesses"
  2. Click edit link for the listing for which you want to edit Meta information.
  3. Click "Meta Information" tab