Configuring Offline Payment

Configuring Offline Payment

To navigate to offline payment settings, on the Payment Gateways tab, click the Edit button in the Offline row and in the Actions column. The offline settings page will be displayed.

Note: All offline orders need admin approval.

To configure offline payment settings, simply follow the steps given below. 

1. The Title specifies the name of the payment method. The symbol * denotes that the field is mandatory. Edit the title, if you wish to provide any specific name in the Title text entry box.

2. The Account Information allows you to enter the necessary information for accepting payments through cheques. You can enter bank account details such as name, account number, bank name and address in this field.

3. The Status allows you to enable or disable the Offline payment option. Select the required status as Enabled or Disabled from the drop down list.

4. The Use for subscription field allows configuring whether you wish to use the Offline payment option even for subscription or not. Select Yes or No from the drop down list based on the requirement.

5. The Payment gateway button image name denotes the icon to be used for displaying the offline payment. You can set the image name after uploading the image file in the location, /app/plugins/paidlistings/vendors/img/

6. Finally, click the Save button to save the changes.