The deals functionality can be enabled from admin panel, by checking "Enable Deals" on "Deals Settings" page under "Settings" menu.
Being on this page you also need to provide the payment gateway related settings.
After the deals are enabled and related setting have been saved visitors will start getting a new navigation menu labelled "Deals" on the website; in the next step you need to make sure that your Crowd Vox instance has listing claims enabled. This is required because the deals can only be added by the business owner.
A business (listing) can only be claimed if claim listing functionality is enabled. The relevant setting is available under "Listing Settings" option under "Settings" menu on admin panel.
If claim listing option is enabled, a logged in users will see an option to claim the business while viewing the business details. Please note that the option will only be available for businesses for whom either no claim has been presented or none of the presented claims has been approved by the admin.
Clicking on "Claim it now", will take the user to "Claim" form.
When user fills up his details and warrants to be an authorized representative of the business, then after clicking "Claim" his claim is forwarded to the site administrator for approval. The site administrator gets a notification by email about the pending approval. Here is the Listing Claim as shown on admin panel under "Manage Content" menu.
Once the user's claim is approved by the admin, he will start getting the option that are available for listing owners, one of them is to "Add Deal".
Opting to add a new deal for a listing, user gets redirected to "Add Deal" page.
Here user has to provide information under following heads:
You can see that there is also an option to filter the deals on the basis of categories they have been posted in.
The deals being linked to the businesses also are shown up when someone views the business (listing) details.
When the site visitor opts to purchase the deal by clicking on "Buy" option, he is redirected to a page that lets him place his order. One can change the quantity he wants to purchase this again would then be validate against the maximum number of deals that the deal creator has set.
This finally would be followed by the transaction handling through the payment gateway.
A user can see the details of the deals he has bought by visiting his profile on website and following "My Purchased Deals" link.
The link under Deal Code(s) takes the user to a window that shows deal's coupon and its details, user can print the coupon from here.