You will need to use Facebook credentials in order to use this. After logging on to Facebook visit , here you will see an option to "Create a New App" under Apps menu.
A popup then will be shown to fill up the new app's details. You will be required to enter value for "Display Name", and have to select an appropriate "Category" from the list. Optionally you can also provide a "Namespace".
As soon as you submit the form you will then be redirected to your app's dashboard. On dashboard you will be shown App ID and App Secret (press "Show" button if required).
Keep a note of these, and use them on the Crowd Vox admin panel's Facebook configuration page available by accessing "Settings" > "Facebook" on admin panel.
Once you enable this module, you should see a Facebook connect button on User Login Box Module like this:
There's another great feature we offer which lets you connect your custom fields for users to Facebook fields. Lets say I have a field 'avatar' (image type) for users, I can simply connect it to use Facebook field 'picture' so system will fetch registering user's 'picture' automatically from Facebook, and this field will go on 'avatar'. Similarly, you can connect various other fields which Facebook offers.
This can be configured using > Settings > Facebook > Facebook Fields menu option