Search for an Order

Search for an Order

Searching for an order is easy. Simply follow the steps given below.

1. Click the Search Orders button in the Orders tab.

Search feature will be appended above the list of orders. Default value of all search criteria is All. You can search based on any single criterion or a combination of criteria.

2. The Payment Status shows orders based on their status such as All, Pending, Incomplete, Processing, Fraud, and Completed.

3. The Payment Type denotes whether the order is based on Free Plan/Trial, One Time Payment or Subscription.

4. The Order Id has options such as All, Is, Is not, between, greater than, and less than. Based on what option you select, additional fields are appended to provide Id number or range.

5. The Plan has the list of all the plans that you created for Paid Listing on your site.

6. The Payment method is for searching the orders that are based on the methods such as Test, Offline, PayPaland All.

7. The Plan Status shows orders based on the status of plan such as active or inactive.

8. After choosing the required search criteria, click the Search button. The search results will be displayed.

9. To reset the search fields click the Reset button.